Author Archives: Miss Taylor

In maths, the children were divided into two large groups. Group 1 learned what mass is and how to compare mass using the following words; heavier, heaviest, lighter and lightest. Group 2 were practising their times tables on TTRockstars. Group 1 worked in pairs and chose two different objects to compare. They had to predict …

Today, we explored the emotions of the characters in our class book, The Day the Crayons Quit. We discussed which crayon was the angriest, the happiest and the saddest. We made suggestions on how Duncan could cheer his crayons up. Next, we worked in pairs or groups of 3 and used drama techniques to act …

Yesterday, we started our new English topic, The Day the Crayons Quit. The children listened to the story, which was very amusing! They then worked in small groups to retell and act out the pink crayon’s letter. They developed their oracy skills by using expression to exaggerate parts of the story. Take a look at …

This week, we have been looking at measurement; length and height. First of all, the children worked in table groups to group objects which are smaller than a metre and objects which are bigger than a metre. Next, they worked in groups of 3 to measure objects in the classroom using rulers and metre sticks. …

Today, we secured our knowledge of odd and even numbers. We learnt that all even numbers are multiples of 2 and therefore can be divided equally into 2 groups. All odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9. As part of our lesson, we investigated whether statements related to odd and even numbers …

Thank you all our wonderful parents for coming into Heron’s class to see the amazing work the children have completed since September. The children absolutely loved giving you a tour of the classroom, showing off their FABULOUS work and completing a piece of Topic work with you. We hope you enjoyed seeing our classroom too!

Today in Herons, we have looked at our new book, Owl Babies, for our English lessons. We have listened to the story and have discussed the chronological order of events. The children had time to reflect on the feelings of the main characters and how these change from beginning, to middle, to end. They then …

This morning, Doves and Herons decided to buddy up for World Book Day. Each child chose their favourite book, magazine or comic to bring into school to share with their buddy. They read to each other and discussed their story. We couldn’t believe how quiet and calm the classrooms were! What a lovely way to …

Today, we have been learning how to recognise and count money. We have completed a range of practical activities including selecting and counting pence, pounds and notes, completing part whole models and working in a shop to buy and sell different food items. The children used different coins and notes to help them with their …

In Year 2, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Today, we completed 4 different practical activities. We sorted 2D and 3D shapes into different groups based on their properties. Some of us even managed to complete a challenge using a Venn diagram! We also created patterns using 2D and 3D shapes. Take …
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