LKS2 Muddy Puddle Day (Topic Link)

Posted on by Miss Ingram

Today in LKS2, we have had our Muddy Puddle Day which focused on our Topic, Temples Tombs and Treasures. Throughout the day we have engaged in 4 different activities, discovering and learning lots about the Ancient Egyptians whilst also working creatively, collaboratively and independently.

Task 1 – Pyramids with Miss Ingram. For this task, we discussed the history of the pyramids, looking at the 3 main types and sequencing the process of building them. Then, we had a go at building each type using different materials. We also discovered during this task that the milk cartons we’ve been collecting over the past 3 weeks absolutely stunk!!!

Task 2 – Hieroglyphics Art with Miss Taylor. For this task, we looked at some ancient hieroglyphic art, discussing the meaning behind the symbols and the stories we could interpret from the different images. Then, we used natural materials to recreate some of these.

Task 3 – Timeline with Mr Beech.

For this task, we worked in smaller teams to build our own timeline stretching back over 6000 years! We were challenged to make sure that they were to scale before adding some key civilisations we have learnt about this year and putting those into context with the time periods we studied in Key Stage 1. Finally, we used reference books to check our work (and the odd iPad too!) can you tell if we got it right?

Task 4 – Scavenger Hunt with Mr Housden.

For this task, we scoured the school grounds hoping to collect the grizzly remains of a mummy and its sarcophagus. We had to apply our knowledge of grid references from maths to make sure we recorded the correct position of all the body parts. FYI, due to the wind – some may still remain on the banks… (insert generic spooky laugh here).