Fantastic PTA

Posted on by gibsons09

PTA are an amazing team of people who plan, organise and run events for the children, families and the community. This year the PTA has raised a fabulous £17,257. School are extremely grateful for their efforts and the money that they manage to raise for school. School had a wish list at the start of the year and PTA have worked tirelessly to raise money, which allows us to purchase things that we wouldn’t otherwise have the funds to buy. We really wouldn’t be able to do a fraction of what we do without their hard work. This is what we have purchased in the academic year 2017-2018:

  • Apps for the IPad’s Christmas Gifts for EYFS & KS1
  • Christmas Panto
  • UKS2 Reading Books
  • PGL Coach (we pay £1000 every year towards the cost of the coach)
  • Year 6 Leavers Dictionaries and Photos
  • New Canopy in KS1 (the canopy is being erected during the holidays)
  • Equipment for EYFS and KS1
  • Friendship Benches
  • Beanbags
  • Playground signage (more to come)
  • Storage boxes and covers for all the lovely new books
  • KS2 Playground Markings (KS2 playground is being resurfaced over the summer and we are paying to replace the markings)
  • Picnic Mats
  • SEN teaching resources


Thank you to all Team Tranmere who come and support the events and spend, spend, spend. Thank you to all the people who give up time to wrap presents, fold raffle tickets, man a stall, fill a jar, prepare the bake plates, help serve refreshments, tidy away at the end of events, send in a tombola prize… I could go on and on. Every little bit really helps.

A special mention must go out to PTA committee members leaving us this year as their Y6 children start their new journey in high school. Beth Bradley, Natalie Bottomley, Ruth Owen and Tracey Samways you are amazing. Thank you for all the time and energy you have spent over the last seven years supporting our school and raising money to buy fantastic items for the children to enjoy.