Humanities Challenge Day

Posted on by Miss Taylor

This afternoon, two children from each class were chosen because they have shown enthusiasm or effort in Geography, History, French or Drama – or ALL of them! We spent some time discussing the history of Bastille Day and why it is celebrated on the 14th of July. Our French expert, Mrs Tate, introduced the children to some new French words. The children were shown on Google Earth where we are in comparison to France. Afterwards, the children were put into mixed aged groups and given a photograph of either a rich or poor person. They had to create a short piece of drama to show the conflict which took place between the rich and the poor. For the rest of the afternoon, we took the children outside to eat some French food, including croissants, pain au chocolat, brioche and French sweets. We then held a boules tournament to find two champion winners. The children were fantastic and had a lovely afternoon! Ask your child about it to see what they can tell you about Bastille Day.