UKS2 Homework – w/c 14/11

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework.

English Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 6 – Answers

English Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 6 – Answers

For your other homework this week, we would like you to learn the words for the songs for our Christmas concert. The sheets have been handed out today in school. Please ensure that you know the words – you will be told in school which songs to focus on this week.

As well as this, we have a lovely opportunity to give back to our local community. A local older people’s charity,  AVSED, which is based in Nunroyd Park in Yeadon has asked for our help. They would like us to send any Christmas pictures, paintings or drawings that can then be posted in their festive newsletter to help spread a bit of Christmas joy. Therefore, we would like you to complete a creative Christmas picture, painting or drawing that we can send to them. Although this homework is completely optional, it would be fantastic to get as many as we can!

Please also continue to do weekly reading (at least twice a week), practise your spellings and keep working on your time tables either using TTRockstars or another strategy that works for you.