June 2015

To start our new unit on addition, Eagles worked practically representing numbers on a part-whole model.

This half term Eagles have been working on their gymnastic skills in PE. We have used mats to make different shapes with our bodies, including dish and arch. We have been performing two footed jumps from a height and travelling on a variety of benches.

Today, we went outside on a scavenger hunt for different plants, animals and objects. Woodpeckers worked in small groups to find and identify different things on their sheet (birds, leaves, clouds, rocks, mushrooms and many more) and they had to take their own photos. Below are a selection of those photos – enjoy! Can you …

Tranmere Times 18.10.24 | 18 Oct 2024

In our reading lessons, we have been studying The Iron Man. This week, we worked in small groups to act out different scenes from the book. The children created freeze frames to start their scene and we used thought tracking to find out how different characters and objects were feeling. They then used movement, expressions …

As part of our ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ Science topic, we took part in a Nature Treasure Hunt. In groups, we had a checklist of things to find. Once we found them, we had to take a picture of it to show it was real! We really enjoyed being outside, getting muddy and seeing …

In KS1, we have been designing and making our own toy cars. The purpose was to design and make a functional and appealing toy car which would carry a Lego figure. Our toy cars had to have a chassis, four wheels, two axles and a body. We used card, sellotape, glue, paper, wooden wheels and dowels. …

Tranmere Times 11.10.24 | 11 Oct 2024

This morning, Woodpeckers were learning how to add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. They completed three different practical activities including: 1. Matching – the children had four sets of cards (add 10s, add 100s, subtract 10s and subtract 100s). They had to work in partners to match the number sentence with the correct …

On Friday, Robins and Bluebirds spent some time getting to know some Y3 children. They showed them how to write their names and practise their phonics and then, showed them round their classrooms!