Author Archives: Mr Learmonth

The sun shone, a bitter wind blew, it snowed, it hailed…. we loved a residential in Scotland!

We have had another fantastic day – the pictures [and videos] below are just a snapshot of the fun we’ve had and I’m sure the children will fill in any blanks. Two more days to go and we can’t wait.

Wow! This was comfortably my favourite moment of the residential so far. One or two members of our group were very frightened by the idea of taking that first step over the edge; we had trembling hands and wobbly knees. Conquering those fears and tackling this wall is not easily done and I am so …

The children have just completed their 5th activity of the day, taking their steps comfortably north of 10,000 and hopefully guaranteeing another good nights rest. The instructors have been complimenting the children on their manners and how well they are following the instructions and we have all been having a cracking time.

Having begun our journey through the woods with enthusiasm in short supply, the children had a fantastic time on the hill walk enjoying uncharacteristically warm Scottish weather. Groups 3 and 4 also enjoyed getting out on the lake to do canoeing and kayaking. Bring on the next activities.

After a huge dinner of lasagne or steak pie (both came with chips and carrots) and a caramel slice for pudding, Group 1 are now channeling their emotions into some ‘passionately’ contested fights. During our fencing session, we have learnt the stance for en garde, how to parry and repost and how to challenge our …

A competitive three minute race ended with Oscar winning by only one crate. Group 1s first activity has been great fun.

Kingfishers inserted different materials into a circuit to see whether they conducted electricity and lit a bulb. We found that some were insulators and some were conductors (not the bus kind).

Doves discovered all about trading during an activity that saw them creating and selling products, as well as negotiating for raw materials. The class was split into teams and each team faced unique challenges as they attempted to buy and sell. A number of different real-world scenarios ensured the trading world changed at different times …

Doves and Kingfishers showcased their musical skills on Friday as Music Nuggets Live came into school to deliver an engaging workshop. The children took part in a host of different activities throughout the day, including playing a wide range of instruments, learning South American songs, singing and expression through movement. They then tried their hand …
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