Author Archives: marsdenv

Our exciting entry point for our new topic of ‘Celebrations’ was a huge success!  The children worked together to propel a rocket into the sky, then added ‘petrol’ and ‘rocket fuel’ to their containers and watched as it zoomed up higher than the school!  It was super to see the children working together so well …

Bluebirds and Robins got a lovely surprise today… just like Handa in the story.  The children were transported to Kenya (I know, we made it back just in time for home time!) and walked with Handa with her basket of fruits.  Unfortunately, we were tricked by several wild animals who stole our fruits… much to …

Well, what a week we have had.  Bluebirds have continued to impress all of their teachers with their behaviour and super effort all week – even though we know that the children are incredibly tired!  We took part in National Fitness Day, where we were picking up pencils with our feet, hula hooping, skipping, jumping, …

We’re here!  All of the Bluebirds joined together for the first time today at school.  We hope these photos help you to see just how much fun the children had getting to know each other.  We are so impressed with how they are all settling in already.  Keep checking back for more updates.

Sport Relief Song! | 13 Mar 2020

This morning, during singing assembly, the children learnt the 2020 Sport Relief song.  I was blown away by how quickly they all picked up the melody and actions – we even had some super cheerleaders at the front to show others how it was done.  Take a look at our photos below.  A link for …

Today we had a free taster session from ‘Destination Judo’.  We tried on our judogi’s (which were slightly too big and funny) but that didn’t stop us from moving around in style.  We learnt safe ways to move on the mat and a few techniques to do with a partner.  We also learnt that judo, …

On Thursday, Bluebirds and Woodpeckers got an opportunity to be class buddies!  We showed off our amazing costumes and talked about our favourite books.  It was also a lovely chance for Bluebirds to read outside in the sunshine to Woodpeckers and show them just how brilliant they are getting at reading, sounding out and recognising …

Over this week we have been talking about ‘Fabulous Food’ and where it comes from.  The children designed and helped to make a lovely café area so that they could act out all of the different roles.  Can you tell who we are and what job we are doing?  We also wrote menus to use …

Updates will be posted soon.

Today the children became knights, archers, princesses, servants, Lords and Ladies at Skipton Castle!  We had such an amazing time learning about the features of a castle, including the mucky moat (where the poo and wee went – tee hee!), the arrow slits, the bed bug catchers and the incredible long drop toilet to name …
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