Woodpeckers Maths – Multiplication and Division Re-Cap

Today in Woodpeckers, we have started our new multiplication and division maths unit. Before we get into our new learning for year 3 and 4, we have spent a session re-capping on the knowledge we already have about multiplication and division.

To begin with, we focused on multiplication. Discussing key vocabulary, such as times by and lots of, understanding the process, and looking at how multiplication can be represented through creating arrays. We then had a go at creating our own arrays.

After this, we focused on division. Discussing key vocabulary, such as sharing and grouping, understanding g the process and looking at how we division questions can be represented by creating groups. We then had a go at creating our own division groups.

To finish, we touched on looking at what happens when we have a number that doesn’t divide evenly within the sum, giving us a remainder!