Author Archives: hollandc

Red Kites experienced a ‘slow volcano eruption’ in the classroom. It was the entry point activity for their new Planet Earth topic and got them thinking about what causes the eruptions and what is actually happening when they occur.

Parents and carers were invited to take part in a puppet workshop with the children in Robins and Bluebirds. After sharing some information about Expressive Arts and Design in Early Years and a short challenge for our visitors, everyone set to work on their puppets. There was a lovely, happy atmosphere in the hall and …

We investigated the effects of liquids on teeth by testing orange juice, cola, vinegar and water on hard boiled eggs. The composition of the shell of a hard boiled egg is similar to that of the surface of our teeth so we put a hard boiled egg into each of these liquids and left them …

Using a plastic bag to represent the stomach and a leg from a pair of tights to represent the intestines, Red Kites class learnt about the journey of food through the digestive system. The food journey demonstration went from the mouth right to the other end of the digestive system. It was a fun way …

Using a plastic bag to represent the stomach and a leg from a pair of tights to represent the intestines, Falcon class learnt about the journey of food through the digestive system. The food journey demonstration went from the mouth right to the other end of the digestive system. It was a fun way to …

The library story bus came to visit today. We went to the bus in groups and listened to a lovely story, sang some songs including The Wheels on the Bus – of course – and then had a chance to read some of the books ourselves. We really enjoyed it and the great news is…… …

Story Bus Visit The library story bus came came to visit today. We went to the bus in groups and listened to a lovely story, sang some songs including The Wheels on the Bus – of course – and then had a chance to read some of the books ourselves. We all really enjoyed it …

We all had a turn at sharing the contents of our special boxes with our friends at school. It was lovely to hear about all the hobbies, favourite toys and families in Robins and Bluebirds. Thank you for taking the time to make your beautiful boxes and for gathering all of the things to put …

We had a lovely time exploring the five senses. We tried to identify smells in pots (vinegar, orange, soap and chocolate). We made feely pictures from things like sandpaper, pasta and cotton wool. We led each other around an obstacle course blindfolded. We listened to sounds and tried to identify them. We tasted something salty …

  We had a visit from a very special visitor today – baby Ariyah and her Mummy Hannah. We found out that Ariyah isn’t even one yet. She can open her eyes, smile, roll over, lie on her tummy and lift her head up. Next she will learn to sit up and crawl. At the …
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