Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

In topic, Eagles class have been learning about Florence Nightingale. The children watched a film clip about her life and then worked in groups to share and record key facts. The children learnt a lot about her and will continue to develop their knowledge over the coming weeks.   Did you know that… -Florence Nightingale …

This afternoon saw the start of our fantastic new topic – People of the Past (Famous Nurses). During this topic, the children will be learning about three famous nurses – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. Today, the children utilised books, fact sheets and Ipads to research these 3 key figures from history. The …

Today saw the start of our new topic – but what was it going to be? Today, the children were given an orienteering challenge. Using a simple orienteering map and key, the children had to find letters hidden around the school site. Once all of the letters had been found, our new topic would be …

This week, we had ZenAuto into school to teach children in KS1 about the Green Car Cross Code. The session focused on road safety and how the ‘Stop, Look and Listen’ message can be applied to electric vehicles which are much quieter than petrol or diesel methods of transport.The children learnt to: Stop, look and …

As part of our local area study, the children have explored aerial photographs. They looked closely at key features of the Tranmere Park Estate and sorted them into those that were examples of physical or human geography. We ended the lesson by being geography detectives and finding the location of Barnaby Bear who had gone …

As our exit point, the children worked in groups to create their own tower. They only had newspaper, scissors and sellotape and had to utilise many of the techniques that they had learnt during this unit. The children used strengthening techniques such as rolling, folding and layering. They also knew to have a wider base …

Today Eagles have travelled the world looking at a range of amazing structures. We visited Paris and viewed the Eiffel Tower before travelling thousands of miles to Sydney in Australia to see the Sydney Opera House. The children worked in groups to explore different structures. In groups, children had to answer the key question: What …

In Eagles class the children have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London.’ We have sequenced the events of ‘The Great Fire’ and looked closely at a range of sources including content from Samuel Pepy’s diary, books and DVD footage. Today, the children worked in groups to answer key questions about ‘The Great Fire …

Today, Eagles thoroughly enjoyed a practical 2D shape lesson. The children have learnt to identify 2D shapes and can discuss their properties. In today’s lesson, the children were given a range of shapes and could choose how they sorted them. Some children chose to sort their shapes by size, colour, number of sides and name …

Today Eagles class took part in a fun and interactive anti-bullying workshop. The children were reminded that they are each different and that this makes them special. To remind them of this, they learnt a poem called ‘It’s Good to Be Me’. They recognised that they each look different, have different skills and likes/dislikes. They …
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