
Reception to Year 1 Transition 2024-2025


Welcome to Our Reception Page

On this page, you will find staffing information and all of our lovely news, along with photographs of what we have been getting up to.

Staff in Reception

Miss Beestin- Robins’ Class Teacher (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday)

Miss Ingram – Bluebirds’ Class Teachers (Tuesday-Friday)

Miss Bell – Bluebirds’ Class Teacher (Monday) and Robins’ Class Teacher (Wednesday)

Mrs Papworth – Teaching Assistant in Bluebirds (4 days)

Mrs Marriott – Teaching Assistant in Robins (4 days)

Miss Allison – Teaching Assistant in Robins and Bluebirds (5 days)

EYFS Phase Governor: Sophie Bell

Physical Education (PE)

Children in EYFS are taught their physical development through both our outdoor and indoor provision. As part of this, your child will receive 1 Physical Education (PE) lesson per week. For tihs, please can your child come to school wearing their PE kits and a pair of trainers they can put on by themselves.

Bluebirds PE – Thursday (starting in October)

Robins PE – Monday (starting in October)

Book Bags

The children should bring their book bags into school every Monday and Thursday. Book bags will be returned to you on a Monday and Friday. This year we would like to encourage the children to empty their own book bags, so if you have written a message for staff, please can you make sure your child is aware so they can show it to us.

Reading Books

During the first weeks of the Autumn Term, your child will bring home a free choice book on a Monday which should be returned on a Thursday. When book bags are handed back out on a Friday, your child will bring home a different free choice book plus an early reading scheme book. These are to be read over the weekend and returned on Monday.

Initially, the reading scheme books which are given to the children will contain only pictures – this is to encourage them to develop their early reading and story skills through looking at the illustrations.

 Free choice books are selected by the children. These are to support our work on ‘Reading for Enjoyment.’ It is not expected that your child will read these books totally independently but rather a book that you share together.

Please make a comment and sign in your child’s home/school diary to indicate that they have read their book. You may also use the front of your child’s diary to record any messages for us to read. We may also use them to record messages for you, so please check these regularly.

As the year progresses, your child will begin to bring home an additional phonics scheme book on a Friday. Over the week, we will have read this as a class, building on segmenting and blending and reading flow. This book is to be read at home by the child, with your support, and returned the following Thursday, ready to be swapped over on a Friday book bag return day.


Take a look at our video: Reception, A Day in the life!

Learning at home

It is expected that all Reception children read with their parent/carer at least twice a week. In order to gain a new book, the children must have a signature and comment in their reading diary from an adult to say that they have read their previous book. They will also have a variety of homework tasks which will start after October half term.

Please feel free to make Comments on your child’s homework to let us know how your child managed with the task.

If you have any queries, please contact a member of the Reception team.


After October half term, the children will receive a weekly homework sheet. This will alternate between a Maths and English sheet. This will come home every Friday in your child’s bookbag.  We ask you to mark and talk about your child’s homework, so any misconceptions can be picked up straight away. If you can return your child’s homework (named please) on a Monday in their bookbag we can then share their achievements.

Home time

The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Please can we ask anyone who is picking up to stand to the left of Robins door. This will ensure the safety of us handing the children to you, as the pathway can become very congested at the end of the day due to it leading out to one of the main gates.

Please ensure if you have made any new arrangements for pick ups e.g. your child is going out for a tea, or a last minute alteration to your normal pick up routine that you inform the class teacher or school office either in writing or by telling the teacher that morning.

This half term’s Knowledge Organisers.

Topic Knowledge Organiser – Click here

English Knowledge Organiser – Click here

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Click here


This Week’s Online Safety Update – Click the title for more. 

3.7.24 Online Trolling

Trolling is the act of making inflammatory comments or behaving in an abusive manner online to hurt the feelings of others or provoke a reaction from them  It is estimated that in 2022, over a third (34%) of people in the UK who suffered online abuse were specifically victims of trolling. The repercussions of this type …

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Latest class news – Click the title for more.

EYFS Buddy Up!

On Friday, Robins and Bluebirds spent some time getting to know some Y3 children. They showed them how to write their names and practise their phonics and then, showed them round their classrooms!

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EYFS – European Languages Day

Today, Robins and Bluebirds we celebrated European Languages Day! After a group discussion about some of the countries in Europe and their locations on a map, we had lots of fun in our provision areas. Italian pizza, French colours, building famous European landmarks, a holiday board game, learning how to say hello and colouring different …

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Tranmere’s Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony

    Today, Vision Education re-visited Tranmere to hold their Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony. Over the past few weeks, lots of children (and adults) have been spotted showing ‘hero behaviours’ both in school and within their wider community, and today, they received some certificates and awards in recognition of this. Dylan in Kingfishers also recieved …

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School Council – Alternative Playground Provision

Today, School Council have been busy setting up some alternative provisions on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Between now and summer, when the weather is nice, the team will be providing a small chess and colouring area for the children to enjoy.

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Mental Health Week

This week we have got moving as part of Mental Health Week. We have been dancing in and out of the classroom moving to the beat. Miss Beestin brought lots of games in and lucky the rain stayed away so we headed up to the field. We had a great time playing swing ball, egg …

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EYFS – Amazing Animals Entry Point

Well, what a fantastic entry point we had, celebrating all things animal in Bluebirds and Robins.  We went on an animal hunt and found various creatures lurking around the grounds.  We then turned ourselves into animals with super face painting (Mrs Marriott, Mrs Papworth and Miss Dibb should open a new business!).  Finally, we had …

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School Council / Vision Education Easter Competition

Over the past few weeks, School Council have been encouraging all pupils to take part in Vision Education’s design an Easter Egg competition. All entires were collected by the council team and sent to Vision Education and today, the winners were announced… 1st – Lucy B, 2nd – Zaiba K, 3rd – Neveyah P. A …

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British Science Week

Last week was British Science Week, and this year’s theme was ‘time’. To celebrate this, all pupils from EYFS to Year 6 engaged in a range of different activities, experiments and investigations revolving around this topic. There were live lessons from the farm with NFU Education, engineering and fossil story times from the STEM Hub, …

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Biscuit dunking

Have you ever wondered why when you dunk your biscuit into a hot drink it breaks. Well, today we found out when we did the dunking experiment. We had to choose three different types of biscuit and dunk them into the tea to find out which was the best. We talked about why this happened …

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Crazy golf

Today we enjoyed learning all about how to play golf. We learnt how to hold the club, hit the ball, while taking turns as we started to tee off. We used the mats to help us direct the ball in the right direction and collected the cones when we hit them. The final challenge was …

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Bluebirds dress up for World Book Day!

Bluebirds have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day! We have watched stories, shared stories with Woodpeckers and even listened to stories in French! Bluebirds impressed us all today with their fantastically creative costumes and enjoyed showcasing them to the school in our very own fashion show! Well done everyone!

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We have had a great afternoon outside. Reception took part in an exciting outdoor adventure that exercised our bodies and minds – orienteering. The children had to navigate between different checkpoints by reading maps to find the different pictures on the cones. Our next challenged was to attempt this on the uneven terrain…. the field! …

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Out of this world!

Reception have had a great day today discovering facts about space. We found out about who was the first man on the moon and learnt the names of the planets. We created our own rockets, made planets using bubble paints and even made a moon buggy. We then read the story of ‘What ever next’ …

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Robins – drop in

We have had a lovely morning sharing all our wonderful work with our parents. The children were really excited. We planted seeds, made mini gardens, drew marvellous flowers, read the stories of Framer Duck and Jasper’s Beanstalk, whilst writing shopping lists at our farm shop. We finished with a little sing song and then waved …

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EYFS Celebrate Chinese New Year!

In Early Years this week, we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Today in PE, the children took part in a ‘Lion Dance.’ The Lion Dance is meant to send away bad luck and bring lots of good luck for the New Year ahead. We all learnt the dance before creating our own Chinese …

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EYFS Exit Point – A Celebration of Castles

Robins and Bluebirds looked amazing today! They çame dressed up as kings, queens, princes, princessses, knights and dragons for our very special celebration of castles. We had a fantastic day taking part in a rotation of activities which included learning a medieval dance, making crowns, building a castle outside and listening to and acting out …

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EYFS Puppet Workshop

Parents and carers were invited to take part in a puppet workshop with the children in Robins and Bluebirds. After sharing some information about Expressive Arts and Design in Early Years and a short challenge for our visitors, everyone set to work on their puppets. There was a lovely, happy atmosphere in the hall and …

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School Council – Autumn Term Round Up

Tranmere would just like to say a HUGE thank you to our school council team who have been incredibly busy this term. You can check out all of their first term projects below. School Council Projects 23-24 We can’t wait to see what the New Year brings the team.  

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School Council – Thank You Team Tranmere!

On behalf of School Council and AVSED, we would just like to say a huge thank you to all pupils who contributed to the AVSED Christmas Appeal. All cards, pictures and decorations were collected this by Michelle, who was blown away by our efforts and kindness. Your kind words and creative pictures will certainly make …

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Reception Topic

As part of our topic on Celebrations this week we clebrated Diwali. We read the story of Rama and Sita, created a Diwali dance, made divia lamps and made Rangoli patterns. We even decorated the home corner for Diwali. Mrs Marshall very kindly come in to help and dondated many new artfacts for the children …

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Story Bus Visit

The library story bus came to visit today. We went to the bus in groups and listened to a lovely story, sang some songs including The Wheels on the Bus – of course – and then had a chance to read some of the books ourselves. We really enjoyed it and the great news is…… …

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Story Bus Visit The library story bus came came to visit today. We went to the bus in groups and listened to a lovely story, sang some songs including The Wheels on the Bus – of course – and then had a chance to read some of the books ourselves. We all really enjoyed it …

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Lovely to meet you, Bluebirds!

Miss Marsden has been so impressed with how the children have been today.  They have settled back into school and have really shown how they work hard and listen carefully.  Ask your children about all of the bonfire and firework activities we have been doing today.  See you for more fun tomorrow – it’s good …

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School Council – AVSED Christmas Appeal

Our School Council has been asked by AVSED (a local loneliness charity) to help them with their Christmas appeal this year! They would love for as many children as possible to create flat Christmas cards, pictures and decorations, that include a nice little message. AVSED will post these out with their Christmas newsletter. To support …

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Our Special Boxes

We all had a turn at sharing the contents of our special boxes with our friends at school. It was lovely to hear about all the hobbies, favourite toys and families in Robins and Bluebirds. Thank you for taking the time to make your beautiful boxes and for gathering all of the things to put …

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Topic – The Five Senses

We had a lovely time exploring the five senses. We tried to identify smells in pots (vinegar, orange, soap and chocolate). We made feely pictures from things like sandpaper, pasta and cotton wool. We led each other around an obstacle course blindfolded. We listened to sounds and tried to identify them. We tasted something salty …

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School Council – Black History Month 2023

This year’s Black History Month theme is ‘celebrating our sisters.’ Throughout this month, school council have been helping to promote this theme through delivering ‘person of the week’ presentations to their class. Each week, they’ve chosen an inspirational individual to talk about with the class, sharing who they are, what they do and why/how they’ve had …

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EYFS Topic – Special Visitor

  We had a visit from a very special visitor today – baby Ariyah and her Mummy Hannah. We found out that Ariyah isn’t even one yet. She can open her eyes, smile, roll over, lie on her tummy and lift her head up. Next she will learn to sit up and crawl. At the …

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This morning Reception went in to Harvest Festival. Throughout the day we talked about  how it is celebrated to give thanks for the crops, which have been safely harvested. We also talked about how Harvest Festivals are often celebrated in church by bringing baskets of food to give thanks to God. We sang songs, made scarecrows, designed …

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Today Robins had their first PE lesson. We listened to the instructions and learnt a song about riding a bike. We moved in and out of all the spaces, remembering to beep our horns as we past our friends.   

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First PE Lesson in Bluebirds

Today we had our first PE lesson in Bluebirds. The children were very excited and really enjoyed our lesson warm up where we pretended we were riding bikes! The children then explored movement and worked to control their bodies when marching, balancing and jogging. We really enjoyed our first PE lesson and look forward to …

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Final Week

As it’s our last week in Bluebirds, we would like to politely ask you to check at home to see if you have any reading books to return. Book bags will be sent home on Monday and we would like you to send them back into school as soon as you like and by Thursday …

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EYFS Transport Exit Point – Off to the library!

Robins and Bluebirds had a lovely ending to their ‘Transport’ topic. They waited at the bus stop and then visited our ‘library bus’ on our school bikes where they made their own library cards and read books. They also designed book covers, made bookmarks and other book challenges.

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Thank You School Council!

This year our school council have been incredibly busy. They’ve held story writing, poetry and design competitions, helped the school save energy and stay tidy, rescued a sea-turtle, made bird feeders, hosted Chill Out Tuesdays, collected for the food bank, recycled thousands of batteries for Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt, met the Mayor of Leeds…and so …

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EYFS Geography – Fieldwork Fortnight

As part of Fieldwork Fortnight, we have been outside exploring the School grounds today. Firstly, we got together with a buddy and looked at our maps. We did a fantastic job of reading these and discovering where we were! After this, we headed outside to explore the different outdoor areas on our map. At each …

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The Big Battery Hunt Final Total…

The Big Battery Hunt is over! A HUGE well done and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the competition. So many of you have brought in THOUSANDS of dead and used batteries, and so many of you have done a fantastic job of helping us to count and recycle these too. Overall, we …

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Let’s Fly Away!

What an exciting week we’ve had! As part of our topic on Transport, this week we have made our own Tranmere Airline. We have converted our classroom into an airport, made our own boarding passes and passports. Today we also had a very special visit from the local airline ‘Jet2’. We had lots of fun learning …

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Big Battery Hunt Update and Final Call…

Thank you to those who have continued to bring in their dead and used batteries over the past few months. We have now collected and recycled just over 15,000 batteries! The competition is about to enter its final week…you have until Friday 30th June to bring in any dead or used batteries that you wish …

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Sports Day!

Wow! We are so proud of you all – your first ever Sports Day. You did a fab job at taking part and of course we saw some speedy runners in our running races. Well done, Bluebrds and Robins.                                                                               

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Knowledge Organisers

Please find attached a copy the Knowledge Organisers for this term – English, Math’s  & Topic. Please have a read through and encourage any further learning at home through key vocabulary and questions. Maths Knowledge Organiser – Summer 2 English Knowledge Organiser – Summer 2 Copy of Knowledge Organiser – Tremendous Transport  

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Reception Entry Point – Tremendous Transport

What at start to our new topic. Today we took part in a Bikeability workshop to develop our bike skills. The session helped us to improve our core skills of balance and gross motor control to perfect riding a bike using specialist balance bikes. Take a look at the pictures and watch us go!!!!  

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Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

What an amazing day we have had. We are so proud of all the children. They were very excited and we saw plenty of animals, along with finding out lots of interesting facts. Enjoy the photos!             

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EYFS Muddy Puddle Day

Robins and Bluebirds had a great muddy puddle day today. They did a minibeast hunt and looked for pictures of minibeasts but it was far more exciting when they found real mini beasts. A snail came out if its shell to say hello! They did some pond dipping and drew pictures of what they found. …

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Coronation Day

We have had a lovely day learning about and celebrating the King’s Coronation. We played games, made crowns, flags, created portraits and even wrote about the King and Queen. We also had a fabulous picnic lunch.              

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Knowledge Organsinzers

Please use the links below to see what we are learning this half term. English Knowledge Organiser – Summer 1 Maths Knowledge Organiser Summer 1 Copy of Amazing Animals – Knowledge Organiser

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EYFS have a visit from the vet!

As part of our Amazing Animals topic, we had a visit from Melody from White Cross vets today. She brought Alfie the Pomeranian and taught us all about how vets help us to look after our animals. She brought a stethoscope, some pretend dog teeth, some dog treats and a vet outfit (among other things!) …

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School Council – Bird Feeders for Earth Day

After helping promote Earth Day, School Council have been keen to do more to help our planet, particularly through helping the wildlife. This week, we have had a go at creating our very own recycled bird feeders to hang up around the School grounds. We had so much fun making them and are very pleased …

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Earth Day in Bluebirds

The children really enjoyed looking at Google Earth and zooming in to find Tranmere Park School and then learning about how we need to take care of our planet. They heard about things that they can do such as turning off taps and lights, making sure they don’t drop litter and helping with recycling. They …

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Earth Day

Today we talked about World Earth Day. This year’s theme is ‘Invest in Our Planet’. We learnt about ways we can help protect our planet by recycling, saving water, or  simply just turning of the lights when we leave the room. We created posters, developed our fine motor skills and made world suncatchers.       …

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EYFS Entry Point ~ Amazing Animals!

It was like a jungle in EYFS today. The children enjoyed the story ‘The Animal Boogie’ and then took part in a carousel of activities which included having their face painted, decorating snake biscuits, making animal masks and adding instruments to ‘The Animal Boogie’ story. We even arranged some sunshine for our picnic lunch ☀️. …

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