No Pens Day in Eagles class

Posted on by wrightr

Today is national ‘No Pens Day’ so Mrs Wright has hidden all of our pencils and pens and we are enjoying a day of speaking, listening and practical lessons.

In maths, we used practical equipment to represent numbers and number fans to demonstrate our understanding. We enjoyed talking through different maths problems with the class and our partner.

In topic, we have been investigating the repeating patterns that we might find on fabrics. We discussed how it might be the colours or shapes that are repeated within a pattern. We explored lots of different examples and shared our ideas with our partner and class.

This afternoon, we are looking forward to our shared reader lesson and practising for our Christmas performance. This gives us plenty of opportunity to practise our speaking and listening skills – speaking audibly, clearly and practising for performing in front of an audience. Not long to go now!