Red Kites Science – A visit from the dentist!

This morning, Red Kites had a very special visit from the dentist, Mr. Owen. Mr.Owen kindly agreed to come in and take a session all about teeth to link to our ‘Animals Including Humans’ topic. In this session we learned lots of interesting facts and information about visiting the dentist and looking after our teeth. We also had a go at some practical activities too! Towards the end of the session we learned some very interesting facts about animal teeth and to finish, we took part in a quiz – recapping the things we had just learned.

Two of our favourite facts of the day were … 1. Cheese is very good for your teeth and if you’re about to eat something sugary, eating a piece of cheese beforehand will help protect your teeth (we’ve just found a reason to love cheese even more!!). 2. A shark has hundreds of teeth, and when they fall out, they are replaced by a new set. So a shark can have thousands of different teeth in its lifetime.

Red Kites would just like to say a very big thank you to Mr.Owen for coming in to visit us, and a very special thank you for the timers we were gifted to help us time 2 minutes when brushing our teeth!