Welcome to Skylarks’ class page!
You will find all of our news and homework organised by type on a handy one-stop page!
Reception to Year 1 Transition 2024-2025
Phonics Information Evening 2024
Routines in Skylarks | Adults in Skylarks |
PE Outdoor — Monday | Miss Elliott |
PE Indoor — Friday | Mrs Wright |
Spellings — Monday | Mrs Chavda and Miss Cornes |
Miss Bibi (Student Teacher) | |
Book Bag Days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. More information can be found in the front of the children’s reading diaries.
Skylark Class governor: David Pass
This Week’s Homework – Click the title for more.
KS1 Homework
Each week, children will bring home a weekly homework sheet and new spellings to learn. We will alternate between Maths and English worksheets. Homework will be sent out in book bags on Mondays and should be completed and returned by the following Monday. Please send this homework back into school, noting any difficulties your child …
This Half-Term’s Topic Homework & Knowledge organiser – Click the title for more.
KS1 Homework Grid and Knowledge Organiser Spring 1st Half Term 2024
Please find attached the Knowledge Organisers for this half term including those for Maths, English, Science and this half term’s topic which is ‘Journeys and Transport’. Also attached below is this half term’s homework grid linked to our topic work. On here you will find a variety of homework options. We kindly ask that each …
This Week’s Online Safety Update – Click the title for more.
3.7.24 Online Trolling
Trolling is the act of making inflammatory comments or behaving in an abusive manner online to hurt the feelings of others or provoke a reaction from them It is estimated that in 2022, over a third (34%) of people in the UK who suffered online abuse were specifically victims of trolling. The repercussions of this type …
Latest class news – Click the title for more.
Y2 Practical Maths
In maths, Year 2 have been learning strategies for adding three 1-digit numbers together. They practised representing addition number sentences in different ways and completed challenges to secure their understanding. Great work, Year 2!
KS1 Christmas Concert
Today we performed ‘Simply the Nativity’ to a packed audience. The children did brilliantly and put on a superb show. We hope you enjoyed watching ! Simply the Nativity Programme
Exit Point-Y1 Trip to Abbey House Museum
As our Exit Point to our ‘Toys’ topic, KS1 visited Abbey House Museum. We wanted to learn more about old and new toys and Abbey House Museum have a fantastic toy museum which we could explore. After embarking on a very exciting coach trip (always a highlight) we spent the day accessing toy workshops, exploring …
Year 2 Visit Abbey House Museum! Exit Point
As our Exit Point to our ‘Toys’ topic, KS1 visited Abbey House Museum. We wanted to learn more about old and new toys and Abbey House Museum have a fantastic toy museum which we could explore. After embarking on a very exciting coach trip (always a highlight) we spent the day accessing toy workshops, exploring …
The Evolution of Toys
As part of our topic learning, the children have been learning about the evolution of toys. We have focused on 3 centuries from the 19th century through to present day. We used a simple timeline to identify which elements of this time were ‘within living memory’ and ‘beyond living memory.’ We learnt that in the …
Practical Maths Year 1 – Comparing Numbers
In Maths, we have been learning about place value and have been comparing numbers within 10. Using the vocabulary of ‘greater than’ and ‘fewer than’, the children sorted numbers accordingly. Some children completed a dominoes investigation whereas others had to pick up an amount of objects and, using their mathematical skills, identify which image had …
Practical Maths Year 2
Today, our Year 2 children used their knowledge on place value to add multiples of 10 to a number. The children worked with practical apparatus initially and once they were confident, moved on to adding using pictorial representations. The children demonstrated a fantastic understanding of our learning and impressed us with their enthusiasm.
Favourite Toy Presentations in Skylarks (Topic and Oracy)
As part of our work on Oracy (speaking and listening), the children have been developing their ability to ‘Be A Speaker.’ We have focused on the key stills of speaking – giving eye contact, speaking in full sentences, speaking clearly and for the Year 2s, also using hand gestures. To practise these key skills, the …
Year 2 Practical Maths
As part of our work on place value, the children had been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Today, the children were using practical resources to support them in counting in 3s. The children worked in pairs to play a board game where they had to continue various number sequences. It was lovely to see …
Skylarks Class make their own toys!
In KS1, we have been designing and making our own toy cars. The purpose was to design and make a functional and appealing toy car which would carry a Lego figure. Our toy cars had to have a chassis, four wheels, two axles and a body. We used card, sellotape, glue, paper, wooden wheels and dowels. …
Year 1 Shared Reading in Skylark Class
Following on from their work in Reception, the children in Year 1 have a daily ‘shared reader’ lesson. Through these lessons, the children have a book for the week which focuses on the key sound being delivered in phonics lessons. The children read chorally, in pairs and develop their understanding of the text through comprehension. …
Skylarks Practical Maths- Place Value
In maths today, the children in Years 1 and 2 have been learning about place value. Year 1 have been finding one less and Year 2 have been identifying tens and ones in a two digit number. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their practical maths session today where they utilised concrete apparatus to help them …
Skylarks Practical Maths
In Maths today, the Year 1 children have been representing numbers to 10 in different ways. Having been given a picture, the children had to accurately count the number of objects, record the number, build it and draw it. The children thoroughly enjoyed investigating their numbers and did a fantastic job of working independently. Well …
Skylarks get creative!
In art today, the children have been identifying the 3 primary colours – red, blue and yellow. Using these colours, the children then went on to mix the secondary colours – orange, purple and green. The children loved to experiment and recognised that whilst they were all mixing together the same colours, they were all …
The Tiger Who Came to Tea in Skylarks (Part 2)
Today Skylarks worked individually or in small groups to act out a scene from the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. They used words and phrases that they could remember from the book and improvised some of their own. They practiced and then performed for the rest of the class. Super work Skylarks!
The Tiger Who Came to Tea in Skylarks (Part 1)
The children in Skylarks have had fun with The Tiger Who Came to Tea this week. They started by looking carefully at the cover of the book for clues as to what might happen in the story. Next, they listened to the story, discussing what was happening on each page and answering a variety of …
Landmarks in Skylarks
Skylarks learnt that a landmark is something that stands out in an area e.g. a building, bridge, lake, river, sculpture – or something else. They might be special because they are big, nice to look at or really old. We listened to the story of ‘Katie in London’ which featured lots of landmarks and had …
A WILD Day in KS1
Today, the children got to meet some interesting animals and found out lots of fun facts about them. The animals included: – a very big snake – a very smelly meerkat – a very hairy tarantula – a very wise owl – a very cute tortoise – a very wriggly millipede Ask your children their …
Skylarks measure in metres!
Skylarks Year 2s have moved onto length and height in maths and over the last few days they have been putting their measuring skills to the test, measuring a range of objects in cm and m. The children enjoyed exploring our school, measuring desks, tables, cupboards and so much more. Here we are in action!
Skylarks learn about the Oceans and Continents of the World!
As part of our Geography unit this half term, the children have been learning about the Continents of the World. Last week, the children learnt that there are 7 Continents and began to locate them in Atlases, on globes and on Google Earth too! The children have learnt a fantastic song to help them remember …
Year 2 – Measurement (Time)
In Year 2, we have been learning to recognise and tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to). The children have used clocks to show different times, played board games to read different times and have played bingo where they have had to draw different times on a clock. Year 2 are …
Penny Experiment
Skylarks predicted how many drops of water they thought would fit on a penny. Their guesses were between 7 and 9 drops. They then carried out an experiment using a pipette to put drops of water onto a penny. They were quite surprised by their results! would fit on a penny and
Non – Chronological Reports in Skylarks
Skylarks looked at non – fiction books today and tried to find the features of non-chronological reports. They discovered, titles, sub-titles, contents pages, glossaries, diagrams, photographs and more. They listened to a song to help them remember the features. A song always helps!
Tranmere’s Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony
Today, Vision Education re-visited Tranmere to hold their Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony. Over the past few weeks, lots of children (and adults) have been spotted showing ‘hero behaviours’ both in school and within their wider community, and today, they received some certificates and awards in recognition of this. Dylan in Kingfishers also recieved …
KS1 Exit Point – Making pizzas!
Today saw the end of our fabulous topic ‘We Are What We Eat’. KS! opened their own Italian restaurant complete with music, flags and pizza making! The children were given a broad range of ingredients and they worked together to identify whether the ingredients came from a plant or an animal. They then utilised a …
School Council – Alternative Playground Provision
Today, School Council have been busy setting up some alternative provisions on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Between now and summer, when the weather is nice, the team will be providing a small chess and colouring area for the children to enjoy.
Observational Drawings
As part of our topic work, the children have been completing observational drawings of different fruits. Today, the children used pencils to sketch their fruit before carefully selecting and then colouring it using colouring pencils. All of the children did a fantastic job and impressed us with their concentration and engagement. Well done Eagles!
Where Does Our Food Come From?
We have been learning that our food comes from plants or animals. In out topic lesson, the children worked in pairs to sort a range of foods according to where they come from. It was wonderful to hear the children’s discussions and ideas as they worked well together. We then looked at different animals and …
Skylark Class Visit Morrisons!
Our topic this half term is ‘We Are What We Eat.’ As part of our topic work, we are learning about where our food comes from. Today, we visited Morrisons and were shown round by their ‘Community Champion.’ We visited the Market Street and the Butchers, Fishmongers, Cheesemongers, Bakery, Fruit and Vegetable section and we …
Skylarks Entry Point – We Are What We Eat
Today, the children kicked off our fantastic new topic by learning about where our food comes from. Working in our outside area, the children explored seeds. They compared different seeds before planting a range of vegetables in seed trays. We planted cabbage, turnips, kale, spinach and a range of herbs to add to our growing …