Welcome to Woodpeckers’ class page!
On our new-look page, you will find all of our news and homework organised by type on a handy one-stop page!
Routines in Woodpeckers | Adults in Woodpeckers |
PE Indoor — Wednesday | Miss Taylor |
PE Outdoor (Y3) – Friday | Mrs Sadgrove |
Swimming (Y4)- Friday | Mrs Dolan |
Spellings – Monday |
Class governor: TBC
Bookbags and Reading Diary
As your child enters Year Three or Four, they will be encouraged to work with growing independence. To support this, your child will take responsibility for their own book bag.
They will be expected to bring their book bag into school every day, removing any books, homework, letters, slips, notes and monies accordingly. You may use your child’s orange reading diary (that they should keep in their book bag) as a form of communication, using it to record messages for us to read. We may also use these as a form of communication back to you as parents/carers. In order for this system to run smoothly, we ask you to encourage and remind your child to make us aware as soon as possible if there is a message in their diaries that we need to read.
Reading Books
Every Monday, your child will bring home a reading scheme book. They are to read this book with an adult at least twice at home and should return it to school the following Monday. They will then be given another scheme book and the process will repeat. Before your child brings home their book, they will have been asked at school to write this into their orange reading diary. To clarify that they have read at home, we would appreciate it if you could sign your child’s reading diary each time you read with them. If on a Monday, we find your child’s reading diary has not been signed, we will send them to reading club which takes place at break time. Reading is an integral part of our school, as we strongly believe that all children should be given the opportunity to regularly read a wide range of texts within varying environments. Therefore, by allowing your child to access reading club if they have not read, it enables us to ensure these opportunities to read are being provided.
Free Choice books: In LKS2, your child will be encouraged to take home a free choice book (a book they have selected from our library). When they take a free choice book home, they will also record this in their orange reading diary. This book can be read at their leisure at home (either on their own or with an adult) and must be returned to school whenever they finish it. We understand some of these books are lengthy, and therefore will require a bit more time to read, so do not expect these to be returned weekly. Once they bring this back, it will be ticked off by a member of staff and they will then be free to select another free choice book.
Homework and Spellings
Every Monday, your child will be given two homework sheets. These will consist of English and Maths tasks. They will also be given a list of 10 spellings. We expect these to be returned by the following Monday for us to check over your child’s homework sheets and test them on their spellings. We kindly ask that you mark the homework with your child, so any misconceptions can be addressed at home and also, quickly spotted and supported when the homework is brought back in to school. Some of the Maths Skills and Grammar Hammer questions, answers and concepts can be more specific and therefore, every week, we share the answers to these sheets to help you mark them as a family. You can find these on our class page of the school’s website (below).
We only expect children to spend 20 minutes on each piece of homework, if they are struggling please just write a note to the teacher explaining this – don’t struggle on! Any Grammar Hammer and Maths Skills sheets that your child brings home for the first half-term will be from the previous year. We do this in order to consolidate the children’s learning. After this, we will move on to their respective year group’s sheets.
A topic homework grid will also be available on your child’s class page (below) by the end of the first week of a new topic. It is expected that your child will complete at least three of the activities from the grid. The dates for the deadline of submitting this homework will appear on the top of their Topic Homework Grid. There are a range of fun and exciting options to choose from so please feel free to be creative!
This Week’s Homework- Click the title for more.
Homework – W/C 10.6.24 – The Great Science Share for Schools
The Great Science Share for Schools is a campaign that aims to inspire children to ask, investigate and share scientific questions that are important to them. This Tuesday (11th), is their annual spotlight day, which aims to promote their campaign and this year, they have chosen the theme of ‘sustainable science’ to help with this. …
This Half-Term’s Topic Homework and Knowledge Organisers – Click the title for more.
LKS2 Homework Grid and Knowledge Organisers – Summer 2 Term
Book Study and Local Geography Homework Grid – New 2024 Summer 2nd English Knowledge Organiser Summer 2nd Maths Knowledge Organiser
This Week’s Online Safety Update – Click the title for more.
3.7.24 Online Trolling
Trolling is the act of making inflammatory comments or behaving in an abusive manner online to hurt the feelings of others or provoke a reaction from them It is estimated that in 2022, over a third (34%) of people in the UK who suffered online abuse were specifically victims of trolling. The repercussions of this type …
Latest class news – Click the title for more.
Tranmere’s Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony
Today, Vision Education re-visited Tranmere to hold their Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony. Over the past few weeks, lots of children (and adults) have been spotted showing ‘hero behaviours’ both in school and within their wider community, and today, they received some certificates and awards in recognition of this. Dylan in Kingfishers also recieved …
School Council – Alternative Playground Provision
Today, School Council have been busy setting up some alternative provisions on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Between now and summer, when the weather is nice, the team will be providing a small chess and colouring area for the children to enjoy.
Chess Club Begins for UKS2
After running for years 1, 2, 3 and 4, it’s now UKS2’s chance to start chess club. If you are currently in Puffins, Kingfishers or Doves and would like to come to chess club, it will run on a Monday playtime with Miss Ingram in the KS2 shared area.
School Council / Vision Education Easter Competition
Over the past few weeks, School Council have been encouraging all pupils to take part in Vision Education’s design an Easter Egg competition. All entires were collected by the council team and sent to Vision Education and today, the winners were announced… 1st – Lucy B, 2nd – Zaiba K, 3rd – Neveyah P. A …
British Science Week
Last week was British Science Week, and this year’s theme was ‘time’. To celebrate this, all pupils from EYFS to Year 6 engaged in a range of different activities, experiments and investigations revolving around this topic. There were live lessons from the farm with NFU Education, engineering and fossil story times from the STEM Hub, …
School Council – Outer North West Youth Summit
Today, some of the School Council team have been to Leeds to take part in the Outer North West Youth Summit. They had a great day meeting and chatting to a number of local councillors, as well as the Lord Mayor and Leeds Child Mayor. Together they have made some very big decisions about how …
LKS2 DT – Let’s Make Kites!
After exploring the history of kites, the three classes, Falcons, Woodpeckers and Red Kites, dedicated a full day to design, create and fly their own kites. To kick off the day, we all gathered in the hall, being welcomed in by ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’ from the film Mary Poppins. We recapped the knowledge …
LKS2 RE – Sikhism Talk
As part of our RE lessons, Mrs Maan came to school to give a presentation on Sikhism to all of LKS2. The children got to learn more about Sikhism and add to their knowledge already gained from lessons in class this term. They got to ask lots of questions! Avaani did a brilliant job taking …
Chess Club begins for LKS2!
After running for a term for years 1 and 2, Chess Club started at break time today for years 3 and 4. There were some fantastic games happening this morning! If you’re currently in Red Kites, Woodpeckers or Falcons and would like to come to chess club, it will run in the LKS2 shared area …
School Council – Autumn Term Round Up
Tranmere would just like to say a HUGE thank you to our school council team who have been incredibly busy this term. You can check out all of their first term projects below. School Council Projects 23-24 We can’t wait to see what the New Year brings the team.
School Council – Thank You Team Tranmere!
On behalf of School Council and AVSED, we would just like to say a huge thank you to all pupils who contributed to the AVSED Christmas Appeal. All cards, pictures and decorations were collected this by Michelle, who was blown away by our efforts and kindness. Your kind words and creative pictures will certainly make …
School Council – AVSED Christmas Appeal
Our School Council has been asked by AVSED (a local loneliness charity) to help them with their Christmas appeal this year! They would love for as many children as possible to create flat Christmas cards, pictures and decorations, that include a nice little message. AVSED will post these out with their Christmas newsletter. To support …
School Council – Black History Month 2023
This year’s Black History Month theme is ‘celebrating our sisters.’ Throughout this month, school council have been helping to promote this theme through delivering ‘person of the week’ presentations to their class. Each week, they’ve chosen an inspirational individual to talk about with the class, sharing who they are, what they do and why/how they’ve had …
Science in Woodpeckers
Have a look at the pictures below from our science lesson on comparing the amount of sugar in different drinks. Apologies if we have a returned a sticky child today!
Thank You School Council!
This year our school council have been incredibly busy. They’ve held story writing, poetry and design competitions, helped the school save energy and stay tidy, rescued a sea-turtle, made bird feeders, hosted Chill Out Tuesdays, collected for the food bank, recycled thousands of batteries for Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt, met the Mayor of Leeds…and so …
The Big Battery Hunt Final Total…
The Big Battery Hunt is over! A HUGE well done and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the competition. So many of you have brought in THOUSANDS of dead and used batteries, and so many of you have done a fantastic job of helping us to count and recycle these too. Overall, we …
Woodpeckers Maths – Time
Today in Woodpeckers, we have been using 12-hour analogue clocks to learn how to tell the time. We started by re-capping the hour and minute hands and reminding ourselves of ‘past’ and ‘to’. We then had a go at showing exact times on our clocks and to finish, we looked at working out duration e.g. …
Woodpeckers Geography – Fieldwork Fortnight
As part of Fieldwork Fortnight, we have been out and about exploring the School grounds to identify the features we have that are good for the environment. To begin with, we got together in pairs and had a look at a school map. We discussed the different human (buildings, fences, sheds) and physical (grass areas, …
Woodpeckers DT – Mechanical Greek Gods and Goddesses
As part of our Greek Topic this term, we have made some mechanical Greek Gods and Goddesses for our display. To begin with, we researched and experimented with different types of levers and linkages to see how we could use these on our products. Then, we designed our products, choosing which mechanical system we thought …
Woodpeckers Maths – Measuring and Comparing Volume using ml and l
Today in Woodpeckers, Y3 have had a go at measuring and comparing volume using ml and l. To begin with, we looked at a range of different measuring cylinders and discovered that they all had different measuring scales. We realised this was something we’d need to look out for when measuring and comparing . Next, …
Big Battery Hunt Update and Final Call…
Thank you to those who have continued to bring in their dead and used batteries over the past few months. We have now collected and recycled just over 15,000 batteries! The competition is about to enter its final week…you have until Friday 30th June to bring in any dead or used batteries that you wish …
Year 4 Swimming
Please remember to bring pyjamas for tomorrow’s Drowning Prevention Week lesson. Trunks/costumes still required. Thanks, Mr Housden
Woodpeckers Maths – Subtracting Mass
Today in Woodpeckers, Year 3 had some very special teachers showing them how to subtract Mass. Our year 4s did an amazing job of making sure the year 3s took the right steps in order to get to the answer. Year 3 also impressed them with their knowledge of the relationship between grams and kilograms, …
Woodpeckers Drop-In
Woodpeckers and their families have had a fantastic morning at their drop-in. We’ve looked through books, had a tour round the classroom and most importantly, determined whether Athens or Sparta is the superior city state of Ancient Greece, by competing in the Peloponnesian War (part 2). Thanks to all who visited and got stuck with …
Woodpeckers Maths – Adding Mass
Today in Woodpeckers, Year 3 took a trip to the zoo to complete their next maths lesson! They used the animals latest weight measurements to practise adding different weights. Some of the animals were VERY heavy, so they had to think carefully about adding using both kilograms and grams and converting these if necessary.
Woodpeckers and Red Kites Science – Magnetic Poles
As part of our next forces and magnets lesson, we have been learning about magnetic poles. In this lesson we investigated the different poles on a magnet (North and South) and how they behave when they are brought together (attract and repel). We then used some of our marked magnets to see if we could …
Woodpeckers Maths – Comparing and Ordering Mass
Today in maths, year 3 have been comparing and ordering the weight of different objects. To begin with, they recapped their previous learning and had another go at weighing different objects using non-electric scales. Once complete, they then started to compare the weights of these objects, deciding which were heavier or lighter than others, or, …
Woodpeckers Maths – Measuring Mass
Today in Woodpeckers, year 3 started their new Maths unit, Mass and Capacity. In today’s lesson, they explored using scales to measure different objects. They discovered the difference between electric and non-electric scales, and learned that they had to be careful when reading non-electric scales, as their dials weren’t always the same. Some of our …
Woodpeckers Topic – Athens Vs Sparta!
This morning in Woodpeckers, we took on the challenge of deciding whether we would have wanted to live in Athens or Sparta during the Ancient Greek Period. To start with, we looked at how Ancient Greece was divided up into city states and discovered that each state had their own ways of living and governing …
Woodpeckers Maths – Decimals (Y4)
Today in Woodpeckers, Y4 started their new maths unit, decimals. They used their first session to find out what decimals are, how they can be represented and how they can be partitioned. They then finished off their session by putting decimals into real-life context through measuring with their rulers.