Changes to our website navigation

Posted on by Mr Beech

Over the last couple of years we have been working very hard to make our website as easy to use as possible. During this time, in response to parent feedback, we moved various items around with the intention of grouping together the kinds of things that parents would need to access.

Recently, we became aware that this had led to some confusion over where things were on the website and the occasional appearance of out of date materials.

As a result, Mr Beech met with the Parent Forum to present a solution that would be as simple as possible for parents to use. In consultation with the forum representatives, we agreed to move all homework (both weekly and topic) onto each class’ own page. In addition we have also moved the half-termly parent bulletins to these class pages too.

Puffins’ class page:
example page

In order to make this easier to find, we have changed the layout of the website navigation, moving “Classes” to its own top level tab so that all of this information is easier to find than ever.

New “Classes” tab:
New Website navigation bar

In addition to making all of this information easier to find, the other benefit to our new layout is that, as well weekly homework and general news, class news updates will now be posted to Facebook. Topic homework grids will also appear in your Facebook news feeds.

As some members of Parent Forum mentioned that they did not know where certain other things were on our website, we have also produced the following graphic showing where each page is organised under the main tabs.

New navigation hierarchyHierarchy

We hope you find our changes useful and if you need any guidance on any of this, or wish to let us know what you think of the new layout, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with class teachers or fill in the contact form on our feedback page!