Online Safety Resource for parents

Posted on by Mr Beech

New Thinkuknow parents and carers campaign launches today!

Today Thinkuknow are launching a brand new public awareness campaign. Through social media, articles, blogs, films and more, their aim is to get parents and carers thinking and talking about the importance of discussing relationships, sex and the internet with their children.

These resources are aimed at parents of children who are at the top end of primary and into secondary school but we highly recommend that parents of younger children take a look to prepare yourselves for e-safety challenges you and your children may face in the future.

Today is Day 1 of this three month campaign, and we are excited to introduce our first new resource entitled “The world changes. Children don’t”.

This short film that tells the age-old story of Romeo and Juliet… with a modern twist. It shows how the lives of these young lovers might play out online today, including the Lark ‘tweeting’ and Romeo ‘friending’ Juliet.

The world changes. Children don’t (Modern day Romeo and Juliet) video.

Behind this contemporary remake is the message that, although technology and social media can seem overwhelming and forever evolving, children and young people don’t change. We try to remind parents that (just as when they were young), their children are still exploring and creating their identities, keeping up with their friends and dealing with adolescent pressures. Although much of this now happens online, we remind them that the kind of parental support and advice which keeps their children safe ‘in real life’ will keep them safer online too. And our Thinkuknow resources can be a useful place to start in thinking about how you might frame these discussions.