Struggling to control a Fortnite addiction?

Posted on by Mr Beech

The following information has been gratefully received from a parent and we feel that it may be useful to many parents.

If you would like any more advice or information about parental controls, there are some guides on our Online Safety page for other platforms. Alternatively, contact the school office to book a time with Mr Beech to discuss this.

I thought it might be useful to share this top tip for helping to manage your child’s online activities.  Please note this only works for PC’s & Xbox, not Apple products or playstations and doesn’t work on most mobile phones.  This is quite a basic level of parental control, there are some more advanced app based systems which you can use on mobiles etc but they are quite expensive.

This Microsoft version gives a good degree of control of both the hours that your child has access, the amount of screen time and limits to age restricted content they can see whilst on there.  For example, they could have access from 4-7pm on a weekday but only 1 hour per day of screen time.   You can also set separate limits for the Xbox & PC.  It also means that every member of the family can have different time limits & levels of access.

It’s fairly simple to set up & manage & the above link will get you started.  There are 3 main steps.

  1. Set each member of the family up with a Microsoft account (they’ll need an email address)  
  2. The administrator then invites the others to join the family
  3. The administrator can set the parameters – time frame, hours of screen time & age content restrictions.

If you need to allow them extra time, they can either send you a request which you can accept (or not) or you can log on & change the restrictions.

Hope that helps,