Puffins Science – Plant Your Pants for World Soil Day!

Today, Puffins celebrated World Soil Day.

Initially, they were given some clues (see below) which they had use to decipher what they’d be doing today.

Some suggestions were…
“Are we burying pants to catch aliens?”
“Will we be growing underpants trees?”
“Are we digging to find out how Stanley Yelnats felt?” (Linking to our current reading topic – Holes.
“Are we going to bury them for archaeologists to find thousands of years later, like we have with the Mayans?”

After much deliberation, and many laughs later, they finally came to the conclusion that they’d be planting their pants for World Soil Day.

This year, experts at The Country Trust, are encouraging Children to ‘plant their pants’ before digging them up eight weeks later to see how healthy their local soil is. The idea is that healthy soil is alive with living organisms and will break down or degrade cotton more quickly than soil with low levels of microbial life.

Once our question and a fair test was decided upon, all that was left to do was dig. In 8 weeks time, Puffins will go hunting for their buried underpants to see just how healthy the soil at Tranmere Park is.