Woodpeckers DT – Mechanical Greek Gods and Goddesses

Posted on by Miss Ingram

As part of our Greek Topic this term, we have made some mechanical Greek Gods and Goddesses for our display. To begin with, we researched and experimented with different types of levers and linkages to see how we could use these on our products. Then, we designed our products, choosing which mechanical system we thought would work best on our individual designs. After this, we evaluated our designs, just to make sure they were fit for purpose.

Once checked, we moved on to bringing our designs to life. This was not an easy task, as we found many of our designs were very intricate and fiddly to make however, we didn’t give up! We persevered, making alterations where necessary and helping others when needed.

Finally, we sat down and evaluated our products. Here we had some great discussions around what worked well, and what didn’t work so well. We thought of some great points for improvement for if we were to make our products again.