Early Birds! #TranmereTrek



The Tranmere Trek started yesterday, and we already have some EARLY BIRDS!

Puffins and Woodpeckers are both off to a FLYING start, with children racking up the points at the earliest opportunity!

Remember, there are individual digital badges to earn, as well as the whole school competition.

We’re sure older siblings could take their brothers and sister UNDER THEIR WING when it comes to finding the logs and stones!

We hope Puffins and Woodpeckers don’t BEAK too early (sorry!)

No need to FLAP about! Follow the map and we’re sure you’ll be like a DUCK TO WATER!

The stones and logs are placed all over the walk so keep an EAGLES EYE out for them! You don’t have do all of the walk in one go, you could split it up and go to sections AS THE CROW FLIES.

The stones and logs are not AS SCARCE AS HEN’S TEETH, but please do not remove them from the trail.

Keep submitting the form and we’re sure you’ll soon be as PROUD AS A PEACOCK when the digital badges get sent!