Barvember post attempt #2

Posted on by Mr Beech

Barvember is organised by White Rose Maths to encourage everyone to use the bar model. We believe that the Bar Model is a useful tool for helping children visualise and then solve maths problems. Even some of the most complex problems can be seen much easier when represented visually.

Barvember provides an opportunity for everyone to just do some maths.
We know that the bar model is not the ONLY way of visualising a problem and we also know that these problems can be solved in the other ways.
Why should we take part?

We hope for the fun of doing maths. Lots of rewards available from the White Rose Maths Hub too; BARS of Fairtrade chocolate and places on their courses to name a few.

Today’s problem is below and keep a look out for more to follow over the month!

How do I share my solution?
Tweet it to us @WhiteRoseMaths and use #barvember
Send it to
Post/retweet it on the Tranmere Facebook/Twitter #barvember
